Once entries start trickling-in, you can begin analyzing your Express mission data in real-time. This article will dive into a number of valuable analysis features, including:


Viewing your data

To view your data, click the “Analyze” view located in the navigation bar at the top of the page.


Navigating the “Analyze” view

Via the “Analyze” view, you can now navigate to one of three tabs (located in the the left-hand corner, underneath the mission title):


This is the default tab for the “Analyze” view. In the main content column, you can scroll through your entire mission. For speedy navigation, click on a question via the left-hand sidebar to automatically jump to that question on the main content column.


For media, open-ended, and talk-out-loud questions, you will see a cumulative, scrollable view of all scout responses. You can sort responses by using the “Sort By” dropdown in the top right corner. For example, sorting by “Newest to oldest” is useful if you are interested in viewing new entries as soon as they are submitted.

From a talk-out-loud our open-ended question in a usability test, you can navigate to a participant's full recorded session by selecting the View video icon next to their transcript. 

For multiple-choice, ranking, number, task, scale, and card sort questions, you will see a graphical representation related to that specific question type. Learn more about analyzing your usability task questions here: How to use Task Questions in an Express Usability Test.



Under this tab, you can toggle between three different drop-down menus:

1. Demographics - This menu provides an overview of the participants’ demographic information represented by horizontal bar plots. If you hover over the percentage breakdown, you can see the exact number count.

2. Screener questions - Similar to the demographics menu, this menu provides an overview of the participants’ screener question selections represented by horizontal bar plots.

3. Participants - This is the default menu you’ll see when you click the “Participants” tab. 

On the left-hand sidebar, you can click on a singular participant to see their individual entry. On the main content column, you can then scroll through their entry, with the option to toggle between their responses to “Questions” or “Screener.” 

When reviewing results from a usability test, you can navigate to a participant's full recorded session by selecting View Full Recording. 


At the top of the left-hand sidebar, you'll also notice a "Search Participants" search bar. This can be used to search for the names of specific participants as well as keywords within participant entries.

On the right-hand scout sidebar, you can conduct a series of actions: 

  • Add to participant group - Add a scout to a participant group by clicking the blue "+ Add" button at the top right of the scout sidebar (under the scout's name). You may also add participants to a group(s) in bulk by selecting them from the participant list. Learn more about creating and using participant groups.

Add to Participant Group.png    Bulk Add to Group.png

  • Create notes - Click into the "Notes" box to write a note about a scout's individual entry, for the benefit of yourself and your colleagues (scouts do not see notes). You can @ mention your colleagues to draw their attention to your notes.

  • Create highlights - You can also click and drag across open-ended response text or video transcriptions, which will open up a black box giving you the option to “Highlight” text. Clicking this button will add whatever text you highlighted to the “Notes” scout sidebar. There is also an action to “Copy as quote,” which will copy the quote, format it, and allow you to paste it elsewhere. Note that this function will automatically pull the scout's name, pronouns, age, and location as metadata.

  • Invite to mission Use this option to invite a participant to a follow up Diary or Live mission.
  • Flag an individual entry - You can flag an individual entry for low-quality, dishonest, or inappropriate content, by clicking the dotted icon (next to the scout’s name). Learn more about flagging data.



This tab allows you to manage and visualize your tags. Individual tags are nested underneath their corresponding tag group, which can help you categorize tags by theme. Learn more about tagging.

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 12.58.34 PM.png

As previously mentioned, you can highlight open-ended response text or video transcriptions to bring up a black box with different action buttons.

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 1.00.10 PM.png

By clicking the “Apply tags” button that pops up, you can easily create/attach a tag when reviewing open-ended response text or video transcripts via the “Questions” or “Participants” tab.


Full Recorded Session View (Usability Test)

When analyzing results from a usability test, you have access to the participants' full recorded sessions. Enter this view by selecting the Full Recorded Session button from a participant's entry or by selecting the View video button next to an open-ended question or task question. 

Transcript landing.png


This view will show you the entire recorded session from the participant. The video will show you the participant's screen and their camera view (if you choose to record the participant's camera during the mission setup). You can watch the full recording, or navigate to specific questions using the bookmarked time tracker beneath the video or by selecting a question on the right-hand side. 

From this view, you can tag, copy as a quote, and create a clip from the transcript on the right-hand side. 


You can also create a clip by selecting Create Clip while hovering over the recording or by selecting Add in the media clips panel. Any clips you create for a participant will be available in the media clips panel beneath the video. 

For task questions, selecting the Clicks button on the right panel will change the view to show you the all clicks for the duration of that task. Learn more about how to use and analyze task questions here: How to use Task Questions in an Express Usability Test


Filtering Your Data

When reviewing data under the “Analyze” view, you can toggle-on filters by clicking the vertical slider icon located in the top right corner. Here, you can apply filters based on the closed-ended responses, task questions in a usability test, participant info, participant groups, tags, and screener questions.

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 1.38.14 PM.png

Filters will hold as you navigate between the “Analyze” and “Playlists” views, as well as when you export mission data. 


Creating Playlists

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To create a playlist in your Express mission, tap the "Playlists" tab at the top of your mission.


Media Survey Playlist Creation

In the playlists tab, you'll see all videos submitted by scouts to your Express mission, filtered by individual video prompts, which you can change via the lefthand panel. To add videos to an existing playlist, save your selections as a new playlist, or to download select videos, select the videos you'd like to include and make your selection in the menu bar that appears at the bottom of your screen (see screenshot above). 


Usability Test Playlist Creation

Since usability tests are continuously recorded, you'll first create clips from participants' sessions, and then those clips can be combined into a playlist. Select the clips you'd like to add to a playlist and either add them to an existing playlist or create a new playlist. 

Through the “Playlists” view, we've made it easier than ever to create highlight reels of your favorite scout videos from your Express mission and share them directly with your stakeholders and collaborators — without ever leaving dscout. Learn more about editing playlists in the “Playlists” view.


Exporting mission data

You can print entries, create PDFs, export media as .jpeg/.mp4 files, and download entry data/crosstabs as .csv files. 

Search for the export icon (arrow pointing down towards a tray) in the top right corner of your screen. Click this icon to see a list of export options including: basic export, print/PDF, crosstab, tags, chart data, as well as a list of any previous exports. 


card sort analyze export 1.png

express mission export.png

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