Understand your users, test concepts, validate prototypes, and optimize products on your timeline with Dscout’s comprehensive usability solution built in Dscout Express. 

Usability is the ability for someone to:

  • Access your product or service
  • Complete the tasks they need
  • Achieve whatever goal or outcome they expect

Dscout’s usability solution, built in our Express tool, enables you to capture meaningful insights into three areas to determine whether or not a product or service is usable.

  1. Effectiveness: Capture whether a user can accurately complete tasks and an overarching goal with both auto success and self-reported completion data. 
  2. Efficiency: Accurately capture the user's effort and time to complete tasks and an overarching goal through time on task, clicks, and heat maps. 
  3. Satisfaction: Capture how comfortable and satisfied a user is with completing the tasks and goal through task follow-up questions. 

Usability tests on Dscout can be run on a prototype, live website, or app and the device type of your choice (desktop or mobile). 

A usability test on Dscout can be run on either a desktop or mobile device. When you create a new usability test, you’ll select the device type you’d like your participants to use to complete the test. All participants will complete the test using the same device. If you’d like to test multiple device types, set up a separate usability test for each device type. 

  • Desktop usability tests are continuously recorded, and participants can complete up to 15 separate tasks while engaging with a website or prototype on a desktop or laptop computer. 
  • Mobile usability tests allow you to test prototypes, websites, or apps on a mobile phone. You can decide if you’d like to record your entire mobile usability mission, or just record task questions. Participants can complete up to 15 tasks when recording the full mission or 10 tasks when recording tasks only.

Listed below are guides walking you through the process of running usability tests on Dscout.  

How to run a usability test on Dscout series

Additional resources

Building a usability test

Find the right participants

Field your usability test

Analyze the data

Learn more about usability testing from Dscout’s People Nerds community: 

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