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This is the first part in a series on how to run a usability test on Dscout. This article walks through how to create a new usability test and select the correct settings for your test. 


Creating a usability test

To begin your usability test setup, tap the "+" icon next to Express: usability test on the left-hand side of your project page. 

This will kick off the setup flow, guiding you through selecting the correct settings for your usability test. The setup flow will walk you through choosing your recruitment, device, and recording settings. 

You can set up a brand new test or duplicate an existing test. When duplicating a usability test: 

  • The recruitment approach can be edited.
  • The device type can not be changed. 
  • You can not adjust the mission type (i.e., switching a media survey to a usability test)

Choose a recruiting approach

You will first select a recruiting approach. You can auto-recruit through the Dscout pool, invite participants from an existing screener, or invite your own participants via a share link. You must choose a single recruitment approach for your usability test  – you can not combine recruitment approaches in a single mission. To learn more about your recruitment options with Express, read this guide: Recruitment Options for Express.

Choose a device

Select the device you want participants to use to complete this mission: Mobile or Desktop. You must select a single device, and participants must use that type of device to complete the mission. If you’d like to test multiple device types, set up a separate usability test for each device. 

The device selection for a usability test can not be changed after the mission is created, even when it is duplicated.

  • Desktop usability tests are continuously recorded, and participants can complete up to 15 separate tasks while engaging with a website or prototype on a desktop or laptop computer. 
  • Mobile usability tests allow you to test prototypes, websites, or apps on a mobile phone. Participants can complete up to 10 tasks when recording tasks only or up to 15 tasks when recording the full mission (read more about these options in Mobile recording options below). 

Desktop recording options

If you select to run a desktop usability test, these missions are continuously recorded, meaning the entire session is recorded from beginning to end. Select a recording option for your desktop usability test. 

  • Screen and camera will record your participant, their screen, and their audio throughout the duration of the test. 
  • Screen only captures the screen and audio, but not the participant’s video camera.

Mobile recording options

For mobile usability missions, choose to record the entire mission or record task questions only.

  • Record entire mission: With this selection, your entire test is recorded from beginning to end. You can include up to 15 task questions and a total recording time of up to 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, the participant will no longer be recorded even if they continue to go through and answer questions in your mission. 
  • Record tasks only: With this selection, only task questions in a mission are recorded. This means you would not see or hear participants while completing other question types (i.e., multiple choice, card sort). You can include up to 10 task questions, each with a 10-minute recording limit. Note: talk out loud questions are not available for this test type, and can only be used with the "record entire mission" test option.

If you select to Record the entire mission, you’ll select what you plan to test – Prototype, Website, and/or App. 

Depending on your selections, your test will either run through in-app or external view. Selecting prototype or website will use in-app view, while testing an app will use external view (see more details below). 

Testing something else?
When testing something else not included in the selection (i.e., using another application, asking participants to navigate their phone home screen, or testing something that isn’t a prototype or URL), select the App option so your test uses external view. 

In-App View

Recommended for testing prototypes, websites, or browser-based applications.

In App Experience.png

If you select to record the entire mission and test a prototype or website, your test will use an in-app view. In-app view means your prototype will open and screen record within the Dscout app. The benefits of this approach: 

  • Allows participants to flow more seamlessly from task to task, reducing confusion and the need to flip between apps.
  • There is a more unobstructed view of the prototype/website without native browser overlays - maximizing real estate space on a device for a natural fit.
  • Clears task links when the mission is complete, preventing participants from accessing prototype links after a mission.
  • You can view taps and swipes during task questions
  • Participants can access the question prompt when needed while keeping the prototype or website in the same view

External View

Used for testing iOS and Android apps (apps downloaded and installed on a mobile device), when recording tasks only, or when testing something that isn’t a prototype or link.

External Experience.png

When you need to test an iOS or Android app installed on the participant’s device, or you have selected record tasks only, your mission will use external view. With this option, the mission screen records the participant’s entire mobile screen and opens prototypes in a browser outside of Dscout (e.g. Safari). 

External view is necessary for recording tasks where participants must engage with an app installed on their mobile phone, but it is important to note since participants are navigating outside the Dscout app: 

  • Participants can’t access the question prompt and prototype in a single view, 
  • Participants will have access to shared links (prototype or website) after the mission. 
  • You will not be able to view taps and swipes on video. 
  • Click data and heatmaps are only captured for Figma prototypes set up with the Dscout > Figma integration. 

Give your mission a title

Once you have made your mission selections, your final setup step is to give your mission a title. Note that your mission title is participant-facing (don’t worry, you can edit this later if needed before you launch your mission). You can also include an internal mission name that is not visible to participants. 

Editing your mission settings

Dscout will automatically set up your mission based on your selections during the setup flow. If you need to make adjustments, you can do so by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner of your mission. Note that some settings can not be changed after setup. 


Now that you’ve created your usability test, your next step is to complete the Recruit/Invite Tab

How to run a usability test on Dscout series

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