Welcome to dscout! Now that you've created an account, you may find yourself wondering about some of dscout's verbiage and lingo. Consider this your go-to glossary for all the unique terms and aspects that define our platform!


What's an application?

An application, found on the Explore tab, is how you put your name in the hat to be selected for a paid Diary or Live mission. Applications are unpaid as these are used to determine if you're a good fit for the research study or not. Read more about applications here.


What's a mission? 

A mission is the adventure you'll go on while using the dscout app! A mission can be made up of multiple activities, or it might be a one-on-one video call with a researcher. Completing an activity usually involves answering the same series of questions a few times over a couple of days. You'll record your experiences and opinions using some combination of video, pictures, and text. Each time you answer all the questions in a mission activity, we call that "creating an entry”. Be sure to follow all of the instructions in the activities and complete them within their timeframe to earn your reward!


What's an activity? 

Missions are made up of activity (they can have one or multiple). Each activity has its own instructions, unique questions and timeframe. Completing an activity usually involves answering the same series of questions a few times over a couple of days. You'll record your experiences and opinions using some combination of video, pictures, and text. Each time you answer all the questions in an activity, we call that "creating an entry.”


What's an entry? 

An entry is the set of answers you provide while completing a mission activity. A lot of the time, you'll submit multiple entries while on a single mission activity. Each time you take a video and answer a series of questions about what you're doing in the video, you're creating an entry.


Who are mission leaders? 

Mission leaders are the folks in charge. They're the ones reviewing your entries and making sure you've completed everything you need to in order to be paid. They're also available in case you have questions that aren't answered in the mission overview or activity instructions, or if you have trouble completing a mission. You can contact yours by tapping the "Messages" tab (message bubble icon in the top right corner) while viewing a mission.


What's dscout Live?

dscout Live is a tool that allows scouts and missions leaders to engage in one-on-one remote video sessions with each other. Depending on the mission type, you may be completing your Live session from the dscout mobile app (Live mobile) or from a desktop computer or laptop (Live desktop). Check your invitation to confirm which type you're participating in!


What's an Express Mission? 

If you're eligible for Express Missions, you can find these on the Explore tab just above applications. These are quick missions that pay out a small reward in an hour or less! Note that you'll need to qualify to participate, complete the entire mission, and pass our ML (machine learning) quality assessment to be approved for payment. We'll let you know automatically if you're approved in the app!

(Note: Express Missions are currently available to US residents only. Changing your location in the app will not allow you to qualify for Express Missions.)



Ready to learn more about participating in missions? Read more here.

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