Complete these tasks more than 24 hours before your session. It is important to be set up well in advance so you are on time to your Live session. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you could be marked as a no-show and may not have another opportunity to participate. Be sure that you have a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam and microphone!
- Make sure you have Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge installed on your computer.
- If you are running macOS Catalina — version 10.15 — or more recent, ensure that Chrome or Edge are granted access to the new Screen Recording Permission.
- Complete your Live pre-test by clicking on the session link in your invitation email. Follow the prompts here to test your connectivity, camera, microphone, and speakers to make sure your set-up is good to go for your call!
- If all tests pass, then return to your Live session link and run through the join call flow all the way through once. Once you reach the waiting room, you will see a screen with yourself in the bottom right corner and a message in the center of the screen that says, “This session is scheduled for…” followed by a series of helpful tips. In addition, you’ll see the moderator’s/moderators’ name/photo and whether they have connected to the session.
- You can close out this link for now but be sure to come back to this link and follow the same flow when it's time for your session! See the steps outlined here.
If any of the tests result in failure, take a screenshot and email it to us here for support, at least 24 hours before your session, and check out the following docs for troubleshooting:
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