If you've received a payment sent to an email that doesn't match your PayPal email address, no problem! All you’ll need to do is add your dscout email address as an alias in your PayPal account. To do that, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click the Gear icon next to the logout button on the top-right corner of your screen.
  3. Locate the Email section on your Account page.
  4. The Plus (+) icon on the top-right corner of the box will allow you to add the email address you use for dscout as an alias.
  5. Check your alias email inbox for a confirmation email from PayPal titled Confirm your email address.
  6. Open the email and click on the Confirm my Email Address button.
  7. Enter your password for your primary account to confirm your alias email address.

Any payments sent to your additional email addresses will appear in your primary PayPal account. Hooray!


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