Congrats on completing your study! Closing your mission brings you one step closer to deep-diving into your data. NOTE: closing a mission is permanent and cannot be undone.

Closing a Diary or Live mission

1. Navigate to any page within your mission

2. Click the "Close mission" button in the green bar which appears at the top of your mission

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 4.58.06 PM.png

3. Click the blue “Close Mission” button again in the window that pops up, confirming that you would like to close your mission. Reminder that missions cannot be re-opened after you've closed them.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 10.08.22 AM.png

Once your mission is closed, the green bar at the top of your mission will turn purple, signifying that your mission is currently closed. Additionally, all scouts in the Manage page will have a purple “Closed” box next to their name. 

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 4.58.43 PM.png

When you close a mission, scouts can no longer be invited or submit entries. From the scout’s point-of-view, the mission will move from being prominently displayed in their “In Progress” tab to their “Closed Missions” page. Don’t worry! you can still message your scouts when you close your mission.

NOTE: If you accidentally close your mission, please reach out to your Research Advisor or dscout Support via the support widget (tap the "?" in the top right corner of your mission) as soon as possible.


Closing an Express mission

1. Navigate to any page within your mission

2. Tap on the gray box in the top right corner that says "Launched"

3. Tap "Close Mission..." then confirm you would like to close the mission. The "launched" status will change to "Closed."

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 10.13.00 AM.png

4. If you used a webpage to recruit participants to your Express mission, it is not possible to close this mission type. Instead, tap on the "Launched" status, then select "Deactivate link."

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 10.17.40 AM.png

NOTE: Express missions cannot be reopened after they have been closed, and dscout Staff cannot reopen a closed Express mission for you. If you have accidentally closed your Express mission, you will need to duplicate and relaunch the mission.


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