In some scenarios, you may find yourself wanting to close a scout out of a mission so they can no longer submit entries or schedule a Live session. For example, perhaps your scout has missed a deadline, or maybe your scout finished the mission early and you don’t want them to feel like they need to do more while they wait for payment.

What you‘ll want to do is close an individual (or a few) scouts out of a mission while the mission remains open. Here’s how to do that:


Closing scouts in a Diary mission

  1. On the Manage page, select all of the scouts you’d like to close. (Remember to use the mission- and activity-progress filters on the sidebar if they’re helpful)
  2. In the header bar that drops down, select “Close.”
  3. In the subsequent dialogue box, confirm that you want to close scouts out of the mission.

It’s also a dscout-recommended best practice to send scouts you’re closing out a message letting them know. See sample scout messages for different occasions here.


Closing scouts in a Live mission

  1. On the Manage page, find the scout(s) you would like to close.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow in the “Scheduled Time” column
  3. Select “Close Scout” from the list of options

It’s also a dscout-recommended best practice to send scouts you’re closing out a message letting them know. See sample scout messages for different occasions here.


Need to re-open a scout? Learn how to do that here!

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