Mentions can be used to tag in your colleagues or dscout Research Advisor team in notes + comments to share interesting data, start a conversation, or collaborate on your research design.

Don't see the ability to @ mention a colleague? At this time, Mentions are only available for subscription accounts. Chat with your Account Manager to learn more!


Mentioning a project collaborator

Use @ mentions in dscout to tag your colleagues in screener, entry, or Live session notes.

  1. Click into an individual application, entry, or Live session.
  2. Click into the “Notes” tab on the righthand sidebar.
  3. Begin typing “@” and your collaborator’s first name, last name, or username. As you type, a dropdown list will appear with matching collaborators to select from. Collaborators are mentioned by their username.
  4. To mention all project collaborators in a note, type “@collaborators” or “@collab” in the Notes field.

As a reminder, notes are only visible to other researchers, not to scouts. No scouts will ever see notes or mentions between researchers!





Recruit + Express

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Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 3.03.02 PM.png


Mentioning a dscout Research Advisor

When you submit a screener or Express mission for review, your dscout Research Advisor will collaborate with you via comments + mentions. Utilize @ mentions to call your dscout Research Advisor's attention to anything you'd like their input on.

  1. Create a comment in the Builder section of your mission or screener
  2. Type "@" followed by the name of your Research Advisor
  3. Select their name to notify them of your comment

Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 3.13.05 PM.png


Receiving notification of mentions

Whenever you’re mentioned, you’ll receive an email notification. Email notifications include the note text and a direct link into the relevant application, entry or session in dscout. 



Changing your username

When you create your account, dscout will automatically create a username for you. It’ll be something like firstnamelastname—it may also have a number at the end. This username is only used for other researchers to mention you in notes—it’s not used for logging in (you’ll still log in with your email address). 

If you’d like to change your username, navigate to your dscout Profile settings by clicking your profile picture in the top-right corner, then selecting “Profile.” 

Write your desired username in the Username field, then click “Update Profile” to save. You can change your username to any name that is not taken. Usernames must be at least 3 characters and can only contain letters and numbers. 


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