With the Playlist Builder, we've made it easier than ever to create highlight reels of your favorite scout videos from your Diary missions and share them directly with your stakeholders and collaborators -- without ever leaving dscout.

Note: at this time Playlists are only available for subscription accounts. Chat with your Account Manager to learn more!



Accessing the Playlist Builder

Access Media View by selecting the Media icon in the upper left corner of the page (play button icon), OR by selecting Media in the Entries dropdown on the top toolbar. 



Creating a playlist

To make your highlight reel, you’ll start by creating a playlist of the videos you’re interested in compiling and editing. 

  • Select one or more clips to save as a new playlist or add to an existing playlist.
  • Click on any video to preview it before adding to a playlist.
  • As in other views, you can use the left sidebar filters for Questions, Attributes and Screeners to refine the videos you see in Media view.


Editing a playlist

Once you select your videos and save them as a new playlist, you’ll land in the playlist editor where you can view and refine your playlist.  Learn more about how to use the playlist editor here!


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