Express missions are a way to make a quick buck with dscout! These missions are completed in one short sitting, unlike Diary missions which are completed over several days or weeks, and you can see if you qualify and complete them as soon as they’re available—no invitation required.

Curious about getting started? Check out these popular questions:


Express missions vs. Diary and Live

Express missions are quick tasks that can be completed in a short amount of time for a smaller reward (anywhere from $2 to $25). For larger rewards, you must complete an application on the "Explore" tab of your app and get selected to participate in a Diary or Live mission. Diary or Live missions often require longer time commitments and are highly selective, which is why we use an application process.

To learn more about Diary missions, click here; for information about Live missions, click here.


Participating in Express missions

Participating in Express missions is easy! If one is available, you'll find it at the top of your "Explore" tab in the app; you may also be directly invited to an Express mission, in which case you'll be notified via email + find the mission in the "In Progress" section of your Missions app. If the subject sounds like something you're interested in, get started! If it turns out you're not a good fit for the Express mission, we'll let you know in the app that we're looking for scouts with slightly different experiences. (For direct invite Express missions, you're pre-qualified!)


Why don't I see Express missions on my Explore tab?

There are two reasons you might not see Express missions in your Explore tab: (1) you're not qualified (yet!), or (2) you're outside of the United States or United Kingdom.

In order to qualify for Express missions, you'll need to establish a history of high quality responses. To do this, continue submitting applications via the Explore tab, and check out these best practices on how to increase your chances of getting selected for missions.

(Hint: if you don't see Express missions because you're outside of the U.S. or U.K., changing your location in your dscout profile won't help you qualify either. Be sure to keep things honest, accurate, and up-to-date!)


Getting paid for Express missions

In order to get paid for participating in an Express mission, you'll need to fit the criteria we're looking for, complete the Express mission entirely, and pass our quality evaluation. If you don't fit the audience criteria or don't pass our quality evaluation, we'll let you know with in-app messaging so you know what to expect. Note: Express missions found within the Explore tab must be completed with 2 hours of the time you qualify for the Express mission.

You will receive your payout 8 days after completion, so long as your submission meets our quality expectations. When you complete an Express Mission, you'll see a confirmation page clarifying which payout ETA you can expect; for missions that pay out within 7 days, you can track your progress via the Closed section of your Missions tab. Check out the images below to see what these opportunities and payment ETAs look like:

Thank_You_Screen.png   Closed_Page_Express_V2_Status.png

Pro tip: Be sure your profile is set up to receive PayPal payments successfully.


Can I extend my time to complete an Express mission?

Unfortunately no—once you qualify for an Express mission, you will have 2 hours to complete the mission and qualify for the incentive. It's not possible to extend this timeline, and the dscout Support team cannot reopen an expired mission for you.

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