In dscout Live, you have the ability to filter your sessions and clips similar to how you filter data in Recruit and Diary. Filters will be available on the Sessions and Manage page, respectively. 

Below is a list of the filters available on each page:


Sessions Page

  Overview Tab Clips & Playlist Tab Tags Tab
Filter Category



Session moderator 

Scout Groups




Scout Groups


Scout Groups



Manage Page


Scouts Tab

Calendar Tab

Filter Category

Session Moderator

Payment Status

Scout Groups


Session Moderator

Payment Status

Scout Groups



Creating and Applying a Filter

To create a filter, click “Filter” next to the search box at the top of the page and the filter bar will appear. Clicking “Add filter” will open a small application window, where you’ll be able to choose the category you want to filter by. Next, you’ll choose the specifiers before finally clicking “Apply Filter” to see your new view.


You also have the ability to apply multiple filters. When you set up multiple filters within the same specifier, those filters will appear as "or.” When you set up multiple filters across different specifiers, the filters will appear as “and” (see below):



Editing an existing Filter

To update an already applied filter, you can click into the filter to open its application window. Once you’ve made your changes, click “Update Filter” and your updated view will appear.


Removing a Filter

Removing a filter is as easy as it looks! Just click the “X” next to the filter you want to remove and your view will update automatically.

Note: Applied filters will carry across tab views unless removed from the filter bar.

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