Technical Support
Troubleshooting your Figma prototype
If you encounter an error while adding a Figma prototype to your mission, follow the outlined adv...
Technology requirements for participants by opportunity type
*Diary missions can include both desktop and mobile activities. If you include both types of a...
External participant onboarding help: "resending" an invitation
Once you’ve invited your participants and launched your mission, your next step is ensuring they ...
How do I open activities in Diary missions?
When building your mission, you have the option of opening activities (formerly known as "parts")...
Improving your Live call quality
If your call quality is poor, it's probably due to one or more participants having a poor interne...
Screen Recording Guide for Researchers
When you include a screen recording prompt in a mission, scouts and participants will need to be ...
How to close a mission
Congrats on completing your study! Closing your mission brings you one step closer to deep-diving...
How do I close a scout?
In some scenarios, you may find yourself wanting to close a scout out of a mission so they can no...
How do I re-open a scout?
Perhaps you accidentally closed a scout out of your mission or maybe you intentionally closed the...
What if a scout's media isn't uploading?
If any of your scouts are having trouble uploading entries, have them take a look at this compreh...
Live Researcher FAQ
Q. How long can a Live session last?
There is no limit to the duration of a Live session. Researc...
Live Mobile FAQs for Researchers
Live Mobile allows you to conduct remote moderated, one-on-one interviews with participants on th...
How do scouts prepare for a Live mobile mission?
Live mobile missions are new to dscout participants, so we've worked to make sure your scouts fee...
Troubleshooting Live for researchers
Running into technical trouble with your Live session? We're here to help! Follow these troublesh...
Troubleshooting firewall issues
If your firewall or network check is failing before a Live session, the reason could be your syst...
What is the scout rating system in Recruit?
The rating system in Recruit allows you to group scouts in the ways that matter to you. Here’s...
December 2023: dscout Help Center updates
If you've used dscout's help resources before, you may notice that things look a little different...