Related to:

In Express missions, you can run a Media survey or a Usability test. Most question types are available across Media Surveys and usability tests, while some are distinct to specific mission types. 

Express Question Limits

Express missions support an unlimited number of total questions, but there are some guardrails in place:

  • You can include up to 10 screening questions in the Recruit tab of your mission. Screening questions must be single or multi-select multiple-choice questions and must include terminating logic (knockout or must-select). 
  • Media surveys can include an unlimited number of photo uploads and can include up to three video prompts. 
  • Desktop usability tests are continuously recorded, and participants can complete up to 15 separate tasks while engaging with a website or prototype on a desktop or laptop computer. 
  • Mobile usability tests allow you to test prototypes, websites, or apps on a mobile phone. You can decide if you’d like to record your entire mobile usability mission, or just record task questions. Participants can complete up to 15 tasks when recording the full mission or 10 tasks when recording tasks only.

Checkpoint / Instructions

Give scouts a breather or additional context without asking a question / requiring a response. 

✅ Media survey
✅ Usability test - desktop
✅ Usability test - mobile


Ask scouts to take or upload a photo. PNG and JPEG files are accepted. 

✅ Media survey
❌ Usability test - desktop and mobile - continuous recording
✅ Usability test - mobile - record tasks only


Participants can record themselves or things around them. The max recording length is 2 minutes. MP4 and MOV files accepted. Max of 3 videos and/or screen recordings in a mission. 

✅ Media survey
❌ Usability test - desktop and mobile - continuous recording
✅ Usability test - mobile - record tasks only

Screen recording

Ask scouts to record their phone's screen for up to 2 minutes. If you want scouts to explore a prototype or website, you can set the screen recording type to link and share a URL for the scouts to click on. For more general screen recordings, set the type to "app." Check out the guide we provide to scouts on how to screen record here

✅ Media survey
❌ Usability test - use a task question to capture recordings.

Open-ended  / Typed response

Ask scouts for an open-ended, written response:

  • 140 characters: limits scouts to 140 characters for their response.
  • No limit: does not apply a character limit to the question response.

✅ Media survey
✅ Usability test - desktop
✅ Usability test - mobile

Multiple choice

A closed-ended question that allows participants to choose from a list of options when answering a question. Participants can be limited to a single selection when programmed as single select or they can select multiple answer options when programmed as multiple select. 

Multiple-choice questions can include knockout or must-select logic in the Recruit section to determine participant eligibility.

✅ Media survey
✅ Usability test - desktop
✅ Usability test - mobile

Multiple choice programming options:

  • Randomize choices: use this to present multiple choice answer options in a random order to scouts.
  • "Other (Tap to Type)": use this to provide a write-in response option. Note that this option will always be anchored at the bottom of the list even when randomization is used.
  • "None of the Above": use this to allow scouts to select "None of the Above." It will be excluded from randomization and cannot be chosen in combination with other response options.
  • Disqualify if All Selected: Disqualify if All Selected is a toggle on multiple choice (multiple select) questions that will reject any scouts that select every answer option. This is on a per question basis, and shouldn't be enabled if you believe that a scout could truthfully select every option.
  • If “Other” or “None of the Above” is a response choice, a scout will be rejected if they select all of the programmed choices. “Other” and / or “None of the Above” do not need to be selected to disallow the scout for selecting all response choices.


Ask scouts to rank your answer options (e.g. rank the following pizza toppings from best (1) to worst (6)). Scouts can be asked to rank all of the options listed or a designated custom limit of responses. 

✅ Media survey
✅ Usability test - desktop
✅ Usability test - mobile

Ranking programming options:

  • Randomize rank choices: use this to present rank choice answer options in a random order to scouts.
  • "Other (Tap to Type)": use this to provide a write-in response option. Note that this option will always be anchored at the bottom of the list even when randomization is used.
  • Scouts can mark rank options as N/A: for "Rank all" ranking questions, use this to allow scouts to mark any rank choices that are not relevant to them as "not applicable." This option is not available for "Custom limit" ranking questions.

You can find a complete rundown of ranking questions and how to analyze the results here.


Ask scouts to provide a number, up to 9 digits in length. (Be sure to specify the unit in your question prompt).

✅ Media survey
✅ Usability test - desktop
✅ Usability test - mobile


Provide scouts with a numerical scale for ratings. Scale questions allow you to specify a scale as large as 0-100.

✅ Media survey
✅ Usability test - desktop
✅ Usability test - mobile

Card Sort

Group a set of cards (items) into different categories. All cards must be sorted in order to complete the question, and both cards and categories can be randomized. 

Read more about Card Sorting here

✅ Media survey
✅ Usability test - desktop
✅ Usability test - mobile


Task questions include a prompt to complete an action or activity and have the option to include a URL or prototype link attached to each task. If a URL or prototype link is included on the task, participants will be directed to this link automatically when the task is introduced. 

Task questions include metrics such as: Time-on-task, user-reported, success, auto success, SEQ score, heat maps and clicks. Read more about task questions here

❌ Media survey
✅ Usability test - desktop
✅ Usability test - mobile

Talk out loud

Scouts will be prompted to answer a question out loud, resulting in transcript and video responses. This is a great option for having participants give their reactions to stim or answer open-ended questions verbally in a usability test. 

❌ Media survey – use a video question in media survey
✅ Usability test - desktop and mobile - continuous recording
❌  Usability test - mobile - record tasks only - use a video question instead. 

Ready to continue with your Express mission? Check out these additional resources: 

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