Card sorting is a question type available in Express missions—both Media Surveys and Usability Tests. Use a card sorting question when you want to know how participants think about and categorize a set of objects or ideas. When using the card sorting question type, dscout will automatically track how each card is sorted into each category as well as aggregate the results in a visualized agreement matrix. Read more below to learn about the types of card sorting questions dscout supports and how to utilize them:
- Card sort types
- Card sort category and card limits
- How to add a card sort question to your mission
- Card sorting data and analysis
Card sort types
dscout supports three types of card sorting questions: closed, open, and hybrid. In all cases, participants are required to sort all cards into categories in order to complete the card sorting question
Closed card sort: . participants sort cards into predefined categories that you create
Open card sort: participants sort cards into categories which they create themselves.
Hybrid card sort: participants sort cards into categories created by you and themselves. Note that while participants have the ability to create new categories when completing a hybrid card sort, they are not required to.
Card sort category and card limits
You can include up to 200 cards and categories in a card sorting question.
- Generally, we recommend limiting yourself to less than 20 to reduce response fatigue from participants. For mobile card sorts, we recommend adding no more than 15 cards and 8 categories to a mobile card sort.
- Each card and category has a 50 character limit.
- Cards cannot share the same description; the same applies to categories created by you and participants. Two participants, however, could create a category which shares the same name—learn more about merged categories.
How to add a card sort question to your mission
To add a card sort question to your mission, choose the “card sort” option from the question type menu. Card sort questions are currently only available in Express missions.
Note: mobile Express missions only support closed card sorts; it is not possible to include an open or hybrid card sort in a mobile Express mission at this time.
Once you’ve added your card sort question, use the “Question settings” sidebar to choose with card sort type you’d like to use. You can also choose to randomize the card or category order using the toggles below your card sort type selection.
You can edit the type of card sort question you’re using while drafting your mission. Note however that changing a closed or hybrid to an open card sort will erase any categories you’ve previously created; you will be asked to confirm before proceeding, as categories cannot be recovered after doing so.
Write your card sorting question prompt (or stick with the default text), and then add the cards (items) that need to be sorted and the categories they will be sorted into, if you're using a closed or hybrid card sort. Both cards and categories are able to be randomized when displayed to scouts.
[Tip] Consider adding an “Other” or “Leave these unsorted” category if you’d like scouts to be able to opt out of sorting a card into the other available categories.
Card Sorting Data and Analysis
When using a card sorting question, you will have access to specific card and category metrics in the Analyze tab.
Agreement matrix
Use the agreement matrix to see the percentage (or number) of participants who sorted each of the cards into the corresponding category. The data is clustered to highlight the card and category combinations with the strongest agreement.
In this view, you can explore how each card was sorted into categories and the agreement amongst participants.
In this view, you can explore the categories that participants sorted cards into and the agreement amongst participants.
Merged categories
When analyzing open and hybrid card sorts, you may notice merged categories, which are indicated by an arrow icon formed by two lines.
dscout auto-merges participant-provided categories which are exact matches, regardless of case structure. (For example, two categories named “Snack Time” and “snack time” would be auto-merged by dscout.) Note the description in the bottom right corner of your card sort analysis view for a summary of how many categories have been merged.
In addition to auto-merging, you may also choose to merge categories as you analyze your card sort data. To do so, tap the checkboxes next to the categories you’d like to merge, then tap the “Merge categories” button.
In the modal that appears, confirm the name of your merged category, the tap the “Merge” button in the bottom right corner. In this menu, you can also choose to expand the categories you’re merging to review the cards contained in each category.
To unmerge auto-merged or manually merged categories, tap the pencil icon near the end of the category’s row.
After doing so, you can edit the merged category’s title, or tap the “unmerge all” button to unmerge the categories.
The raw data is available in an Excel export if you would like to analyze card sorting data outside the dscout platform. Exports can be initiated by clicking the down-arrow button in the top-right corner of the question in the Analyze tab.
Ready to learn more? Check out these additional resources: