dscout has added several new features to enhance flexibility in your unmoderated studies.


What's new?


  • More targeting attributes in screeners
    Use any of the 60 targeting attributes when creating a screener, making it easier and less manual to find the right scouts for your project! New categories include devices, Apps and Accounts, subscriptions, shopping, pets, and more. The enhanced category search will also help you find attributes that might be right for your moderated or unmoderated study.

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  • Add to groups in bulk
    Easily add participants to new or existing groups in bulk, in media surveys and usability tests. All you need to do is mark the checkbox next to each participant and choose the group you'd like to add them to for a faster mission setup. 

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  • Duplicate questions
    You can choose to duplicate a question as next or to the end of the study. Save time creating your study and streamlining your operations.


  • Add hyperlinks in prompts
    You can now create hyperlinks with just a few clicks. When you paste a hyperlink in your prompt, a markdown will be inserted automatically. Alternatively, you can highlight the text in the prompt that you want to hyperlink and then paste the link to create an embed hyperlink.



  • Increased media limits
    We know you love more media and now, you can have it! We've increased the media limit for Diary missions from 1 to 3 videos per activity. You'll be able to gather even more insights from your mission and have great parity between the amount of media you can receive from scouts in Express and now, Diary.

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  • Add hyperlinks in prompts
    Create hyperlinks in your Diary prompts. When you paste a hyperlink in your prompt, a markdown will be inserted automatically. Alternatively, you can highlight the text in the prompt that you want to hyperlink and then paste the link to create an embed hyperlink.


Account Management

  • Preview scout agreements
    You can now preview your scout agreements when creating a mission. In Express, click in mission settings and go to ‘informed consent’ to find a droplist of all your available agreements. For Diary and Live, toggle on ‘informed consent’ from 'Details' to see the dropdown list. Easy peasy. 

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