Use the Open-Ended Responses view to help you make sense of your open-ended responses (text and video) in Diary missions. 


The open-ended responses view shows a bubble chart (think: word cloud) of the most-used words in responses to your open-ended and video questions. Below the bubble chart, you’ll see a list of full responses to that question. 

Access the open-ended responses view by selecting the third icon in the upper left corner of the page, OR by selecting Open-Ended Responses in the Entries dropdown on the top toolbar.


To start, select the question you'd like to analyze in the "Question" dropdown, located above the bubble chart itself.


Bubble Chart


  • On the left, select the number of words and parts of speech to include in your bubble chart. By default, the chart will show the top 25 responses, and all parts of speech.
  • To see all responses that contain a specific word from the bubble chart, click on that word bubble and then click “Filter Responses by '[Word].'” The Responses list below the bubble chart will be filtered by your word selection, meaning that you’ll only see responses that include the word you’ve selected. 
  • Note: When filtering by multiple words, the responses list will show all responses that contain any of the selected words (not all of the selected words).
  • To remove a word from the bubble chart, click on that bubble, then click “Make '[Word]' a Stop Word.” Stop words will appear in a list below the bubble chart, where they can be cleared. 
  • Click the download icon in the lower left corner of the bubble chart to quickly and easily download the chart as an image. 

Responses List 


Below the bubble chart, you’ll see a list of all responses to your selected question. Sort your responses by rating, expressiveness, scout, or date. 

  • Expressiveness is a new sorting capability that dscout has created specifically to help you find the best responses to your questions.
  • Rating is a new sorting capability that helps you identify the responses that are most useful and interesting for your analysis. Rate your responses using the 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down' icons, then sort by your ratings to prioritize the best responses. 
  • Scout will sort responses in alphabetical order based on scouts' first names.
  • Date will sort responses by recency, or when the response was submitted.

Additional Filters

  • Use the response rating filters at the top of the open-ended responsees view page to filter all content on the page (bubble chart and responses list). This allows you to hide/de-prioritize any responses that aren’t helpful to your research. 
  • As in other views, the left sidebar filters for Questions and Attributes can be used in the open-ended responses view. This allows additional refinement of the data you see in the bubble chart and responses list. 

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