If you're using dscout Recruit to screen your scouts, read on for how to launch your mission!
If you've brought your own participants, take a look at this guide.
There are two ways to import scouts from your Recruit screener into your Diary mission: from the screener, and from the mission.
Import scouts from the screener or Express mission
1. Select your Good Fit scouts
Select only the applicants you want to go on your mission by using the potential fit toggles on the left when viewing applicants. (If you've followed our guide on selecting scouts, that means choosing the folks who are marked as "Good Fits")
First, toggle off all ratings except for “Good Fit”.
Next, click the checkbox in any scout’s application card.
Then choose “select all” at the bottom left of the blue bar that appears.
And finally, select “Add to Mission” in the bottom right to select the mission to which you’d like to add your scouts!
2. Import scouts to your mission
Choose the appropriate draft (or launched) mission from the dropdown menu in the dialogue box that appears.
After importing your applicants into your mission, continue through to the Participants tab of your mission.
Then, customize your invitation message to scouts, and launch your mission!
Import scouts from the mission
- Navigate to the Setup page of your mission.
- Navigate to the Participants tab of the Setup page, and click “Add Scouts”
“From Project Screener” will be selected by default. Select your screener, and then “Good Fit,” to invite the scouts you’ve selected.
Next, read more on how to best manage your mission.
Need to add more scouts to your mission post-launch? Click here.