Related to:

This is the fourth and final part of a series on how to run a usability test on Dscout. This article walks you through the process of analyzing your usability test. 

This article explains how to analyze usability test-specific features within Express. A full Express analysis walkthrough is available here: Analyzing your Express Mission.


Task question analysis
Talk out loud question analysis
Full Recorded Session View
Heat maps

Task question analysis

You can access specific task metrics in the Analyze tab of a usability test. Use the Questions tab within the Analysis view for an aggregated view of your task question data. 

Success: Measured using a set success screen. This number indicates the percentage of participants who reached your designated success screen. 

Self-reported completion: Measured using the self-reported success question. If you toggle on the Success question power follow-up, the task will display the completion percentage for that task with each scout response listing (a) yes - successful or (b) no - (technical issues, confusing prompt, or too difficult). 

Time on task metrics: Task questions will provide (a) average time, median, mean, upper quartile, lower quartile, and outlier time on task for all participants and (b) individual time on task for each participant response. Hovering over the task graph will show you the following information:

  • Min: The minimum amount of time it took to complete the task. 
  • Q1: The lower quartile, or first quartile (Q1), is the value under which 25% of data points are found when they are arranged in increasing order.
  • Median: The mid-point of your data set. 
  • Q3: The upper quartile, or third quartile (Q3), is the value under which 75% of data points are found when arranged in increasing order
  • Max: The maximum amount of time it took to complete the task.
  • Mean: The average time it took to complete the task. 
  • Outliers: An outlier is defined as a data point that is located outside the whiskers of the box plot. For example, outside 1.5 times the interquartile range above the upper quartile and below the lower quartile (Q1 – 1.5 * IQR or Q3 + 1.5 * IQR).

Average ease rating: If you toggle on the Single Ease Question power follow-up, the task will display an average effort rating and a distribution of the rating. It will also display each individual participant’s rating for the task.

Below the aggregated task data, you’ll see individual participant data for each task. You can sort the participant data from ascending or descending. You can click into a participant’s full session by selecting their participant row. 

From the Participants tab, you can view individual participant task data (clicks, time on task, and responses to power follow up questions). 

Talk out loud question analysis

For talk out loud questions, you’ll have access to a transcription of the participant responses in an aggregated view on the Question tab and within a participant’s full entry on the Participants tab. 

When reviewing the talk out loud transcription, you can leverage Dscout’s qualitative analysis features, such as tagging and highlighting. 

If you’d like to view the video recording of a talk out loud question, navigate to the full session recording by selecting the play icon next to the transcription. 

Full Recorded Session View

The full recorded session view is available for desktop usability missions and mobile missions where Record entire mission was selected. You will not have access to the full recorded session view if you selected Record Tasks Only for a mobile usability test. 

When analyzing results from a continuously recorded usability test, you can access the participants' full recorded sessions. Enter this view by selecting the view full recording button from a participant's entry or the View video button next to any question in the analyze tab. 

 Transcript landing.png

This view will show you the entire recorded session from the participant. The video will show you the participant's screen and their camera view (if you choose to record the participant's camera during the mission setup for a desktop usability test). You can watch the full recording or navigate to specific questions using the bookmarked time tracker beneath the video or by selecting a question on the right-hand side. 

From this view, you can tag, copy as a quote, and create a clip from the transcript on the right-hand side. 


You can also create a clip by selecting Create Clip while hovering over the recording or by selecting Add in the media clips panel. Any clips you create for a participant will be available in the media clips panel beneath the video. Learn more about creating clips and playlists: Analyzing your Express Mission

For task questions, selecting the Clicks button on the right panel will change the view to show you all the clicks for the duration of that task. For live websites, Dscout will capture the name of the website components a participant clicks on. The component name will vary in descriptiveness depending on how it was named in the website’s code. For prototypes, Dscout will capture the component name as named in your Figma file. 

Click tracking data will be captured for: 

  • Live websites in a desktop usability test or in-app view mobile usability test. 
  • Figma prototypes using the Dscout > Figma integration 

Heat maps

If you use a Figma prototype in a dscout Express usability mission and connect your Figma account, dscout will generate heat maps for your prototype. dscout will include heat map thumbnails of each frame that was visited by the scouts during the duration of the usability task. 

Select the Heat maps button when viewing a task question on the Analyze tab of a usability test to view the generated heat maps. Learn more about Dscout's heat map feature and analyzing heat maps here: Heat maps and click events for Figma prototypes.

How to run a usability test on Dscout series

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