You may already be familiar with the Participant Balance control which ensures a balanced sample across major demographics (i.e. age, ethnicity, gender) by limiting samples within each segment to 65%. The Ethnicity Balance feature allows you to further customize your participant pool by editing the maximum number of responses allowed per ethnicity group in a given screener or Express mission. 

To access this feature, navigate to the Qualify tab of your screener or Setup tab in your Express mission, and toggle on the Balance feature.

In screeners, you can click Customize Ethnicity Balance to view the percentages grid and further customize.


This feature gives you more flexibility in creating a well-balanced mix of participants or narrowing your focus on one or more specific ethnic groups. For example, if you wanted to see no more than 25% of responses from scouts who identify as White, you’d set the percentage next to “White” to be 25%. From there, you’d be able to customize the percentages for all other groups. Once the maximum percentage you set is reached, scouts in that ethnicity group will no longer be able to view your screener or express mission.

Similarly, if you wanted to see only responses from scouts who identify as Black or African American, you’d set the percentage next to “Black or African American” to be 100%, and all other percentages to be 0%.

Note: Sum of percentages must be equal to or greater than 100%.

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