In a Diary mission, you can ask questions in a variety of formats! Here are the types of questions dscout Diary supports:



Give scouts a breather or additional context without asking a question.



  • Photo: PNG and JPEG files accepted
  • Video: MP4 and MOV files accepted with a max recording length of 5 minutes.
  • Screen recording: Ask scouts to record their phone's screen for up to 5 minutes. (Screen recording questions count as a video question). 

Learn more about our media limits here.



Ask scouts for an open-ended response. 

  • 140 characters: Limit scouts to 140 characters for their response.
  • No limit: Do not apply a character limit to the question response.

Extra for experts: apply the "Headline" marker to a 140-character question, to give each entry a title! This changes the entry title from the date + time the entry was submitted, to the scout's response!


Multiple choice

  • Single select: Limit scouts to 1 answer option.
  • Multiple select: Allow scouts to select multiple answer options.

Randomize choices: use this to present multiple choice answer options in a random order to scouts.

"Other (Tap to Type)": use this to provide a write-in response option. Note that this option will always be anchored at the bottom of the list even when randomization is used.

"None of the Above": use this to allow scouts to select "None of the Above." It will be excluded from randomization and cannot be chosen in combination with other response options.



Ask scouts to rank your answer options (e.g. rank the following pizza toppings from best [1] to worst [6]).

  • Rank all: ask scouts to rank all of the answer options listed
  • Custom limit: ask scouts to rank at least x number of answer options, at most x number of answer options, or exactly x number of answer options listed.

Randomize rank choices: use this to present rank choice answer options in a random order to scouts.

"Other (Tap to Type)": use this to provide a write-in response option. Note that this option will always be anchored to at the bottom of the list even when randomization is used.

"Scouts can mark rank options as N/A": for "Rank all" ranking questions, use this to allow scouts to mark any rank choices that are not relevant to them as "not applicable." This option is not available for "Custom limit" ranking questions.



Ask scouts to provide a number, up to 9 digits long. (Be sure to specify the unit in your question prompt).



Provide scouts with a numerical scale for ratings. Scale questions allow you to specify a scale as large as 0-100.


Note: Stimuli can be applied to any question, and skip logic can be applied to all question types except for checkpoints.

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