Scout groups are a great way to organize and assign scouts based on segments, waves, or other categorizations. You can add any scout to any scout group for deeper analysis and easier scout management across the platform. 

Scouts can be added to multiple groups within the same mission or screener. For example, a scout can be in the "Free music apps" group, as well as the "Cohort A" group. Scout groups are automatically carried over with a scout when the scout is invited to missions within in the same project environment. Scout groups are always available in scout exports and crosstabs.

Read on to learn how to create, filter, and manage scout groups across the dscout platform!


Scout groups in Recruit & Express

Grouping in screeners or Express missions

One way to create and manage scout groups in dscout Recruit is through an individual application, or what we call a screener "entry." In the entry, find "Participant groups" in the right sidebar and click "Add." To add a new group, click "Create new Group." Follow this same process in dscout Express to group Express mission entries.

To group multiple scouts at once, begin on the Invite page if you're using Recruit, or the Entries Grid page if you're using Express, and make sure you're in the Participants view (instead of Questions view) -- all eligible applicants will appear on the left side of the screen. Select the applicants you'd like to group. Then, at the bottom of the page, you'll see a blue banner pop up. First click "Add to Group," then select any existing group or "Create new group."

Filtering by groups in a screener or Express mission

Filter entries by the groups you've created by clicking the filter icon in the top right corner. Then, click Participant groups." Keep in mind, filtering uses "or" logic, meaning that if you filter to multiple groups, all scouts in either group will be visible (not solely the scouts who reside in both groups).


Scout groups in Diary

Grouping via the Manage page

One way to create a new scout group in your Diary mission is from the Manage page. Begin by selecting "New Group" from the left-hand sidebar, under "Filter by Scout Groups." Tap enter on your keyboard or click "Create" once you've typed out a name for your new group.


Then, select the scout(s) you'd like to group and click "Add to Group" from the toolbar that appears above the scout rows. Check the box to the left of the group to which you'd like to add your selected scouts.

You can also add or edit your groups from this dropdown menu. NOTE: When creating a new group via the dropdown menu, your selected scouts will not be automatically added to the new group. You must still select the box to the left of the group to add your scouts.



Grouping via Diary entries

Just like a screener or Express mission entry, you can create and manage scout groups from a single Diary entry. To create a new scout group from an entry, click "Add to Group" on the right-hand sidebar. Then click "New Group."

To add the scout to an existing group, click "Add to Group" and select the group to which you wish to add them.



Filtering by groups in Diary

To message only the scouts in a single group, start on the Manage page. Then, filter by that group by clicking the group name under the left-hand sidebar, "Filter by Scout Groups." Select all, and then click on the message icon from the toolbar.


To view only the entries of scouts in a single group, start on the Entries Grid page. Select "Scouts" from the "Filter by Attributes" box on the left-hand sidebar. Then click "Scout Groups," and select your preferred group.


NOTE: On both the Entries Grid and the Manage page, filtering uses "or" logic; meaning, if you filter by multiple groups, all scouts in either group will be visible.


Scout groups in Live

Grouping via the Manage page

Begin by selecting the scout you'd like to group via the Manage page (select a scout by clicking their name or profile picture). Once the scout is selected, click "Add to Group" from the toolbar above the scout rows. Click "New Group" to create your group and add your scout, or click the name of the group to which you'd like to add your selected scout.


Currently, scouts can be grouped one at a time.


Filtering by groups in Live

Scouts can be filtered by group via the Manage page and the Sessions page. From the Manage page, begin by clicking "Filter," then “Add Filter.” From the dropdown menu labeled “Category,” select “Scout Groups.” Then, from the dropdown menu labeled “Specifier,” select the group by which you’d like to filter. Finally, tap “Apply Filter.” Now, only scouts in that group will be visible. 


To message the scouts in a single group, follow the instructions above to filter to that group via the Manage page. Then, click “Select All” from the toolbar above the scouts' names. Once all are selected, click the message icon to open the messaging panel and type out your message to the scouts!


You can also filter by scout groups via the Sessions page if you'd like to view sessions or clips with only the scouts in a specific group. 



Carrying over scout groups within a project

As scouts are added to different missions within the same project, they will carry their associated scout group(s) with them. Meaning, scouts will automatically bring their assigned scout group to new missions they participate in. This applies for screeners and all mission types within the same project.

NOTE: Scout groups do not sync backwards. Scout groups are only carried through when invited to a mission from a screener or previous mission. For example, when inviting a scout from a Diary mission to a Live mission, any new groups or edits to existing groups in the Live mission will not sync backwards to the Diary mission. Any group changes in the Diary mission will not sync to the Live mission after a scout has been added.



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