Download your mission and screener data to manipulate it in other programs and share it out with stakeholders. 

Just want to share a video or picture (or two)? Use public share links.

Please note that:

  • Even if screeners and missions are located within the same project, data from each must be exported separately from the platform. 
  • Researchers may export data from the platform. If you need access to this feature, contact your Account Owner


Exporting Screener & Express data

To export data from your screener, click the export button (square with an arrow pointing into it) in the top right corner. The dialogue box that pops up has a myriad of data export options.

In the “Basic” tab, you can download a zipped folder of all photos and videos, a .csv file of all responses to questions (including transcripts of videos), and a .csv file of all notes your team members have made on any applications. 

In the “Print / PDF” tab, you can export or print a PDF of all applications.

In the “Crosstab” tab, you can toggle various row and column combinations for a crosstab to your liking. Column/Row options include, but are not limited to, responses, tags, and extended profile data. Try playing around with the infinite combinations!

Exporting Diary data

There are two kinds of Diary exports: mission data and scout data.

Mission data export

To export mission data from a Diary mission, click the export button (the box with the arrow pointing out of it) in the top-right corner of your mission’s entries page. The box that pops up also has a myriad of data export options. 


In the “Basic” tab, you can still download a zipped folder of all photos and videos, a .csv file of all responses to questions (including transcripts of videos), and a .csv file of all notes your team members have made on any entries. Unique to Diary exports, you can export any comments left on entries into a .csv file as well.

In the “Print / PDF” tab, similar to screener exports, you can export or print a PDF of all entries sorted either alphabetically, oldest to newest, or newest to oldest. You can also toggle layout and included data, including entry responses, researcher notes and highlights, and extended scout demographics.

In the “Crosstab” tab, you have the same capability to toggle row and column combinations for crosstabs. Check out all the combinations you can have in the platform!



Scout data export

To export scout data, select the scouts in whom you are interested on the Manage page, and select "Export Data." You'll have options to:

  • Export basic scout demographic data
  • Export scout profile pictures
  • Export your message history with scouts


Exporting Live mission data

To export Live mission data, check out this guide!

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