dscout can generate a custom webpage (formerly known as a splash page) to aid in onboarding a specific limit of your participants to your Live mission.

Potential external participants can view your mission webpage on their computer or smartphone to get the details, download the dscout app (if applicable), and accept the Live mission.

Mission webpages can be used as an alternative to inviting an external participant manually via the Participants tab.

Note: This Live webpage can only be used for external participants and cannot be used with our scout pool.


Activating your Live Webpage

Live webpages are not automatically activated when you start a new Live mission draft. To activate the Live webpage, navigate to the Participants tab under the Setup page of your Live mission. From there, scroll to the Bring Your Own Participants section to see "Enable Live Mission Webpage".


Toggle on the Enable Live Mission Webpage feature. You will then be asked to set your participant limit.



Adjusting Your Participant Limit

You can adjust your Participant Limit before or after you launch your mission, or if your Participant Limit is filled, by selecting the pencil icon next to the Participant Limit. You will receive an email notification when your participant limit has been met.


When using a Live webpage, you will be able to see what status your Live mission webpage is in by selecting the information icon located to the right of the Webpage Status.



External Participant Flow

To see what your Live webpage will look like from the external participant's perspective, hover over the image that appears once webpage sign up is toggled on, and select "Preview in new window."

Below is an example of the first view potential participants will have when they open up the link. The preview will show the current status of the webpage (which participants cannot see) and the time slots available.

image (1).png

Once a participant enters their name + email address or signs in to a previously-created account, the Live mission invite will be waiting for them in the mobile app or desktop web.

  • For Live Desktop missions: External participants can accept the mission from their phone or desktop, but then they must complete their pre-test on their desktop. Once the participant accepts the Live mission and passes their pre-test, they will be counted towards your Participant Limit.
  • For Live mobile mission: External participants can accept the mission and sign up for a time slot all from their smartphone. No pre-test is required since they will be using their mobile device. Once a participant accepts the Live mission, they will be counted towards your Participant Limit.

Note: While participants will count towards your Participant Limit, participants will not be added to the dscout pool or solicited for other research opportunities. 

Once the participant limit has been filled or is inactive due to the Live webpage being manually deactivated or the Live mission being closed, participants who access the Live webpage link will be directed to the page below.


Need more help with inviting first-time scouts to your mission? Read our guide!

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