Now that your Live mission has been built, you're ready to launch! In this article you'll learn:

If you're bringing in external participants, take a look at this article for more help!


How to import your scouts

Importing scouts into Live is super easy, and there are a few different ways to do it! You can bring scouts in from a dscout screener or from a Diary mission


Import scouts via a screener

In your screener, view the scouts you want to invite to your mission by using the Potential Fit toggles on the left-hand side of the page. (If you've followed our guide on selecting scouts, that means choosing the folks who are marked as a "Good Fit").

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 8.35.06 AM.png

  • Toggle off all ratings except for “Good Fit.”
  • Click the checkbox in the top left of any scout’s application card.
  • Choose “Select All” at the bottom left of the blue toolbar that appears.
  • Select “Add to Mission” in the bottom right of the blue toolbar.
  • Select your Live mission and click "Add to Mission" to import your scouts into the mission.

Then, launch your mission!


Import scouts via your Diary mission

On your Diary mission's Manage page, select the scouts you plan to interview. Click "Add to Live" in the taskbar that drops down. Then, launch your mission!


Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 8.36.47 AM.png


Pull from a past Express mission

There are two ways to pull participants from a past Express into Live. One way is to open an Express entry > tap the three dots next to the scout's name in the top right corner > select "Invite to Mission."

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 8.46.42 AM.png


The other is accessed while you are in the Live builder during Setup. Find the "Participants" tab, then "Add Scouts" button. In this modal you will see a tab for "From Previous Mission" and there you may choose from past Express, Diary or Live missions to pull into your current Live mission. Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 8.47.58 AM.png

How to launch your mission

After importing your applicants into your Live mission, continue through to the Participants tab of your mission.

Now, you're ready to customize your invitation message and click "Launch Mission" in the bottom right corner. You will be prompted to review and confirm the invite message, along with the list of scouts you'd like to invite. 

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Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 8.51.44 AM.png


What happens after you launch

Once you launch a Live mission, your invited scouts will be notified to accept the Live mission invitation. Scouts will be able to accept the invite under the Live tab in their mobile app, or in the email notification.


Next, read about starting up a Live session.

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