Any person who has been added to a dscout project as a collaborator is able to view an active Live session and use some in-session tools. Before someone can attend a Live session as an Observer they will first need to set up a dscout account. Here are some things you can expect as an Observer before and during a Live session:
Entering the Live Session
Before you can attend the Live session as an Observer, you must...
- have a dscout login; and
- have been added as a collaborator to the project that contains the Live session
To enter a Live session as an Observer, navigate to the session link provided to you by the Moderator(s) or join the session from the Live project's Manage page as an Observer. Once you click on the session link you will be taken to a Join Session page. Here you'll be prompted to test your setup before joining. This includes: (1) testing your audio to be sure you can hear the session, (2) testing your firewall to be sure you can join, and (3) testing your network connection to ensure you have a stable internet quality for watching the session.
It's worth noting a few things:
- Observers need to grant audio permissions to join a Live session. No worries, the scout won't hear you! This is so we can ensure you'll be able to hear the Moderator(s) and the Participant.
- Firewall settings may prevent you from joining. Read more about troubleshooting firewall issues here.
- Poor internet quality can have an impact on the overall session quality.Ask your Moderator(s) to turn on Observer Optimization to stabilize the call for 2 or more attendees
Once the Pre-Test concludes, click Join Session as Observer at the bottom of the screen.
During the Live session
- The scout will only see the Moderator(s) and will not know that you are in the session as a Observer
- The Moderator(s) will see that you are viewing the session as a Observer
- You will be able to see who else is attending as a Guest or an Observer
Header Bar
On the left side of the header bar, you will see the Scout's name and a share link to the session.
Center Column
In the center of the screen you will either see the scout's video by default. If they have started screen sharing then you will see their screen. Next to that, you will see the video feed(s) for the moderator(s).
You will also see a button to create a marker - (Ctrl + M) Mark Time. This will create a small 'bookmark' in that moment of the Live session that will make it easy to go back to in analysis. Read more about Markers, Notes, and Clips
Right Column
On the top right-hand side of the screen, you will see the session clock and a list of moderators, guests and observers when hovering over the attendees count icon. In addition, you will see:
- Chat bubble icon - allows you to open the chat to see other "observer" researchers, including the Moderator(s), so you can chat with them
- Clipboard icon - allows you to open the notes to see other researcher notes and add your own
- Stopwatch icon - allows you to see where you, or others, marked time [includes a corresponding time stamp and label (if one was created)]
After the Live session
Be sure to rate the session and give feedback to dscout on how the session went.
Notes, markers, and clips recorded by Moderators and Observers will be available for all project members to see and add to in the packaged session recording. Read more about Markers, Notes, and Clips